LGBTBE Certification

LGBTBE certification is provided by The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) to LGBTQ+ majority owned, operated, managed and controlled businesses. The NGLCC is the exclusive third party certification body responsible for verifying business eligibility and grants the Certified LGBTQ+ Business Enterprise designation to qualifying business applicants.
Certified LGBTBE® companies are routinely sought after by larger corporations who are looking to increase their spend with the LGBTQ+ business community. The LGBTBE certification allows your business to be represented on a national and international level.
As a part of the NGLCC Supplier Diversity Initiative (SDI) your LGBTBE business information is entered into the LGBTQ+ supplier database providing diversity supply seeking corporations access to your business details and contact information.
Certification is Free to Rainbow Chamber Members!
As an NGLCC affiliate, the Rainbow Chamber of Commerce can waive the $400 LGBTBE® certification fee for its members interested in applying. Certification approval is subject to the review and discretion of the NGLCC. The Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce is not a responsible body for verifying business eligibility.
For more information about LGBTBE® certification and how it can benefit your business, visit their website.
The Benefits of Certifying your Business
Your LGBTBE Certification provides you access to hundreds of corporate and government agencies that want to do business with you! Becoming a certified LGBTBE business offers you opportunities to build relationships with America’s leading corporations and provides access to national prospective contracting opportunities. As corporate America becomes more inclusive and further diversifies its supply chain, certification offers the opportunity for LGBTQ+-owned businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors.
Once you are certified, your business benefits from a full menu of NGLCC benefits, including discounted rates to its annual National Business and Leadership Conference! This annual conference provides you with the opportunity to connect with scores of corporate and government agency supplier diversity and purchasing professionals as well as other LGBTBEs.
LGBTQ+ Business Enterprise® Eligibility Requirements
- Majority (at least 51%) owned, operated, managed, and controlled by an LGBT person(s) who are either U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents
- Exercises independence from any non-LGBTQ+ business enterprise
- Has its principal place of business (headquarters) in the United States
- Has been formed as a legal entity in the United States
Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity! Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or contact the NGLCC directly at (202) 234-9181.