SMUD Resources

Did you know SMUD offers business owners, operators or tenants a dedicated SMUD Strategic Account Advisor?

Your SMUD Strategic Account Advisor is your personal energy expert available to help you save time, energy and money.

Contact your Strategic Account Advisor if you have questions about your bill, want to schedule an energy assessment or need additional SMUD related assistance.

Locate your SMUD Strategic Account Advisor today! Click here.

Grow your business with SMUD’s SEED Program!

SMUD’s SEED (Supplier Education and Economic Development) program offers incentives to local small businesses who participate in SMUD’s competitive bid process.

It also helps prime contractors find local sub-contractors, which gives their bids or proposals a competitive edge.

SMUD awards $200 to $300 million in contracts every year, $40 to $60 million of which goes to SEED vendors and suppliers.

SMUD’s goal is to award 20% or more of all eligible contracts to SEED vendors.

To review SMUD’s SEED vendor eligibility and to apply, click here.

Leading the Nation

For decades, SMUD has been a leader in clean energy and carbon reduction. Our 2030 Zero Carbon Vision continues this commitment.

Our goal is to reach zero carbon emissions in our power supply by 2030 – the most ambitious goal of any large utility in the United States.

This ambitious goal puts the Sacramento Region on the map as an example to follow and a region where innovative, climate-friendly businesses want to be.

Going absolute zero carbon is a bold and ambitious goal – one we believe we can and must achieve.

To read SMUD’s full 2030 Zero Carbon Plan, click here.

Join the charge with SMUD and offer your input regarding their 2030 Clean Energy Vision.

Click here to explore how you can get involved and show your support to create a healthier environment and cleaner air.