Palmer Family Healthcare Education Scholarship
2024 Rainbow Chamber Foundation
Palmer Family Healthcare Education Scholarship Fund
Applicants must be enrolled or intend to be enrolled by fall in a university, community college, or a qualified vocational school in a field related to healthcare or medical study. A fully completed scholarship application is required to qualify for scholarship application review. Incomplete applications will be disqualified.
Scholarship winners will be notified in writing or by phone call at the beginning of September 2024. A minimum of $10,000 in scholarships will be awarded, of no less than $1,500 for a collegiate institution each. Your scholarship award will be paid in one installment. The dates of your scholarship payments will be provided to you at the time of your scholarship notification.
Scholarship recipients agree that the Foundation may post their photographs, names, goals and objectives on the Foundation’s website. An applicant may, without any adverse impact on the consideration of his/her application, indicate in writing on the application that any award remains confidential. Recipients choosing to remain anonymous will not be identified at award ceremonies and will be withheld from the Foundation website. However, the Foundation cannot further guarantee confidentiality outside of the areas listed.
Scholarship award decisions are made by the Rainbow Chamber Foundation Scholarship Committee. Finalists will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Life experiences
- History of involvement with the LGBTQ+ community or in related issues and activities
- Quality of written expression